
How to create transparent text

Transparent text, the definitive method.

How to create transparent text

On many occasions we need to put text on a photo, and a non-invasive and quite cool way is to make the text transparent, which we can then make visible using the styles. layer. This method does not use blending modes, as it would not be a universal method.

The blending mode would be different depending on the color of the text, and also with the problems that would arise in the case of text with multiple colors. In this technique we are going to do it using the 'Fill' property of the text layer.

Transparent text

  • Verfügbare Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Portugiesisch. Wähle deine Sprache.
  • Available subtitles: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Select your language.
  • Disponibles subtítulos: Alemán, English, Español, Francés, Italiano y Portugués. Selecciona tu idioma.
  • Sous-titres disponibles : Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol, Français, Italien et Portugais. Choisissez votre langue.
  • Sottotitoli disponibili: Tedesco, Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Italiano e Portoghese. Seleziona la tua lingua.
  • Legendas disponíveis: Alemão, Inglês, Espanhol, Francês, Italiano e Português. Selecione sua lingua.

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Take a look at the before and after retouching applying the tutorial you just saw. Move the central bar with your mouse to move the effect. (The photos should appear below, otherwise refresh the page -F5)

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